ONLY 27 PLACES LEFT :) Check here who is cumming
At the end of August, 2008 we now have 83 hashers registered for AGPU21 2009!!! This leaves space for only another 27 using 14 rooms, so if you have not registered go at once to and register on-line to secure your place. On-line booking is fast becoming the norm and you can even use PayPal to pay using your credit card! Postal registrations welcome too.
Rego's so far are mainly from YH3, IOW, Norfolk, Cambridge, Essex and Donnington with a sprinkling from many other hashes.
At this point in time, we still have double as single (£60 per room surcharge) double and twin rooms. A share wanted list is being published if you would like to book a place whilst they are still available.
A lot of us are staying over on Sunday night (£60 per room B & B) either to recover or take the opportunity to visit friends whilst away from home. Sunday dinner will cost around £16 per head including the first pint or glass of wine.
Fancy representing your hash with a 5-10 minute cabaret spot? Contact Henry Root. The more the merrier. Anyone that has visited us before will know that we excel in enjoying ourselves so come and help us out with your ingeneous and entertaining entries.